Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hot Shot #3

Hot Shot OST (: -Taiwan Ver.CD+DVD
01 絕對無敵 / U got me – By: 倪子岡(NESE)
02 霹靂決鬥 / The crowd was rockin'
03 Superman by: 倪子岡(NESE)
04 隧道 / Tunnel – By: 林凡(FREYA LIM)
05 絕對無敵之 箭在弦上 / U got me - Hypertension
06 真的, 我沒事 / I'll be fine – By: 符致逸(ADRIAN FU)
07 不要對我再說愛 / Don't tell me – By: 林凡(FREYA LIM)
08 隧道之 彩虹盡頭 / Tunnel – End of the rainbow
09 真的, 我沒事之 天亮後 / I'll be fine – Dawn
10 絕對無敵之 籃球夢 / U got me – Hoop dreams
- 30分鐘幕後花絮 TV Drama Behind the Scenes Footages
12 Postcard、24 Pages of limited Song Book Lyrics

Selling @ only S$45

Photo taken from Dewy-Castle

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